Lego Club a Hit
We had 24 students at our Lego Mania last week and everyone had a great time. We started the time with a free build - the kids always...

Final Primary Lego Club 2018
Had a great time last Friday with our Primary kiddos in our final Primary Lego Club of the year. As always we started with a free build....

Young Authors Day 2018
Friday, May 4 was an exciting day at MVCS. It was our Annual Young Authors Day. This year students in grades K2 - 5 and Senior English...

March 2018 Primary Lego Club
We had our first Primary Lego Club meeting of the semester last Friday. We started with our usual "Free Build" - 15 minutes of building...

December Lego Club
We had our final Lego Club of the semester this week. As usual, we started with a free build period. The kids always seem to enjoy this...

December Primary Lego Club
Last week was our final Primary Lego Club of the semester. As usual, we started with a free build in which the kiddos get to build...

First Elementary Research Projects coming to a close
After over a month of hard work - reading sources and taking notes - the third and fifth grades are in the final stages of their Bats...

November Primary Lego Club
This week was our second meeting of the Primary Lego Club. It is so fun for me to watch the kiddos create first on their own and then...

The Eiffel Tower in Legos
We had a lot of fun last week in Lego Club. Our "big brothers" had other obligations so Miss Mouttet and Mrs. Turner helped out. We...

Annual Fall Book Fair
This week is our annual Fall Book Fair. The elementary classes visited earlier this week and today the middle school classes came to...