Lego Mania - November
We had a great time yesterday at our November Lego Mania. We started with task cards for the students to recreate a picture using Legos....

Digital Citizenship for 21st Century Learners
Today's world is more digital than the world I grew up in. Today's students need to learn skills that weren't even imagined by my...

Veteran's Day
This week the students of MVCS honor the Veterans of our country. My fifth period teacher aides did an awesome job with the library door...

MVCS Students learn Computer Science Skills
We have completed our third CS-First class. Students are learning how to do block coding using Scratch. We have 10 students enrolled in...

MVCS Library serves FEFC Library
As part of the MVCS Serve-a-thon this year, Mrs. M took a group of 4 middle school girls to the First Evangelical Free Church. Mrs. M...